S30 je ručni satelitski merač i tragač, na baterije, malih dimenzija, jednostavan za upotrebu i analizu spektra.
Ovaj je instrument izuzetno brz i precizan s visokom osjetljivošću i stabilnim ekranom koji znatno olakšava identifikaciju satelita.
S30 dijagnosticira DVB-S i DVB-S2 signal, Ku, Ka i L opseg. Podržava DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.1 spektar. Baterija traje skoro četiri sata (2,5 prema specifikaciji).
Glavne karakteristike:
- Podrška DVB-S/S2
- C, Ku, Ka ili L Band
- Spektrumfunkcija
- Podrška DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.1 / SaTCR
- Istovremeni prikaz nivoa i kvaliteta signala.
- 128 × 64 matrični LCD sa pozadinskim osvjetljenjem
- Veliki kapacitet litijumske baterije, oko 2,5 sata radnog vremena
- Nadogradnja softvera i konfiguracija parametara putem USB priključka

Šta korisnici kažu o instrumentu:
”Measurements are made quickly, comparable with expensive professional instruments.
Deviser are professional measuring instruments, not indicators or bench-meters (indicators) of Chinese production, e.g. Satlink, Linbox, Digisat etc. with a color display.
In the S30 model we have measurement of electrical quantities such as:
- Power in dBm, microvolts, dBmV
- MER Modulation Ratio Error in dB
- CBER and VBER in dB
The meter has the function of searching for transmission parameters when the spectrum analyzer is turned on after moving over to the transponder - envelope, shows SR and FEC and of course other parameters as above. Chinese products give only signal strength S and quality Q quality, and all this, not once the LCD displays are of poor quality, perform poorly in the cold and consume significantly high current, which translates into short field work.“
RF Input Range | 950 ~ 2150 MHz |
Level Range | 30 dBμV ~ 110 dBμV |
Symbol Rate | 1 Msps ~ 45 Msps (QPSK,8PSK) |
LNB Supply Volt | 13V, 18V, OFF |
LNB Supply Current | 300mA |
Battery Capacity | 7.2 V/1600 mAH lithium battery |
Dimension | 153 mm × 93 mm × 42mm |
Weight | 358 g |
Working Time | >2.5 Hours (13 V) |