AIC kôd: FT015
Cena na upit
Dostupna količina na upit
Rods Duct Continuous are excellent tools for pulling drawrope and plastic sub tubes through underground PVC duct. The Rods can be supplied with and without Frames (Cages). The smaller sizes 4-6mm are normally supplied on Frames without Wheels and the larger sized Rods 9-16mm are suppplied on Frames with strong Wheels. The Rods lengths are supplied as per the customer's demands.
Opis proizvoda
Izdvojena ponuda
Celokupan ekosistem za sve Vaše potrebe
Naš ekosistem koji čine brojne kompanije i pružaoci usluga omogućuju da ispunimo sve Vaše potrebe. Celokupan proces od izbora potrebne opreme i sistema, preko distribucije i instalacije, pa do trajnog održavanja Vam se nalaze na raspolaganju.