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One-click Fiber Optic Connector Cleaner 1.25mm LC/MU

One-click Fiber Optic Connector Cleaner 1.25mm LC/MU

Proizvođač: Sinfon

OEM kôd: 

AIC kôd: GW010

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Najbolji sistem integrator na teritoriji Srbije, kompanija Telemet, Vam stoji na usluzi. Posetite nas putem ovog linka.

Telemet logo tamna boja


Suitable for LC/MU, APC & UPC
Ergonomic, comfortable design with single action cleaning
Precise mechanical action delivers consistent cleaning results
Low cost per clean over 800 cleanings per unit
Made from anti-static resin
Effective on a variety of contaminants including oil and dust
Audible click when engaged

Opis proizvoda

The one-click fiber optic cleaner pen is easy to use and can be used to clean LC/MU connectors and exposed 1.25mm collars in the fiber optic cable adapter. Simply insert the cleaner into the adapter and push it until you hear a click. The push cleaner uses a mechanical push operation to push the optical-grade cleaning tape while rotating the cleaning head to ensure that the fiber end surface is effective but gentle clean.


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