Proizvođač: Rak Wireless
OEM kôd: 100022
AIC kôd: RAK100022
Cena na upit
Dostupna količina na upit
WisBlock Flash Module
Opis proizvoda
Product Description
The RAK15001 is a NOR flash module with a 16 MBit (2 MByte) nonvolatile memory.
It uses GD25Q16CNIG (16 Mbit) from GigaDevice with a standard SPI interface.
In this large memory, you can save big data that your applications need to access frequently,
like conversion tables, lookup tables or images, and even sound files. Compared to the EEPROM module,
the RAK15001 Flash Memory module has fewer write/erase cycles, so it is not ideal as storage for constantly changing data like for sensor readings.
Key Features
16 Mbit (2 MByte) capacity
SPI interface: SCLK, CS#, SI, SO, WP#, HOLD#
Software/Hardware write protection
GigaDevice GD25Q16 chip
Full voltage range: 2.7~3.6 V
Standby current less than 5 uA
Temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °C
Module size: 10 x 10mm
Izdvojena ponuda
Celokupan ekosistem za sve Vaše potrebe
Naš ekosistem koji čine brojne kompanije i pružaoci usluga omogućuju da ispunimo sve Vaše potrebe. Celokupan proces od izbora potrebne opreme i sistema, preko distribucije i instalacije, pa do trajnog održavanja Vam se nalaze na raspolaganju.