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SFP P8512L-CDS5 1.25G 850nm 550m LC
Opis proizvoda
Product Features
Product Descriptions
P8512L-C(I)DS5, The SFP transceivers are high performance, cost effective modules supporting data-rate of 1.25Gbps and 550m transmission distance with MMF. The transceiver consists of three sections: a VCSEL laser transmitter, a PIN photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA) and MCU control unit. All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements.The transceivers are compatible with SFP Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) and SFF-8472. For further information, please refer to SFP MSA.
Izdvojena ponuda
Celokupan ekosistem za sve Vaše potrebe
Naš ekosistem koji čine brojne kompanije i pružaoci usluga omogućuju da ispunimo sve Vaše potrebe. Celokupan proces od izbora potrebne opreme i sistema, preko distribucije i instalacije, pa do trajnog održavanja Vam se nalaze na raspolaganju.